Monday, July 30, 2007

Harry Potter--Your Questions Answered

Don't read this if you haven't finished Book 7!

It amazes me how much is out there on the internet about this final book; people must be desperate to get their questions answered now that there are no more books to eagerly anticipate (though J.K. Rowling did say on her Dateline NBC/Today Show interview that she would probably be writing a Harry Potter encyclopedia of sorts that would answer all these questions!). Here is a link to a a transcript of a webchat that J.K. Rowling did on July 30 that answers a lot of questions, in particular one of my biggest questions, why Snape's portrait didn't appear in the Headmaster's Office by the end of the book.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Sonnenblick Serenade

My summer reading is starting to pick up steam; I have finished rereading the first three Harry Potter books, and then I decided to switch gears and do some other middle school reading. (A note about my Harry Potter rereadings -- I still love the third book (HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban); I love that there are so many clues throughout that Professor Lupin is a werewolf and Scabbers is more than just a rat but you cannot put all the clues together until the end...)

Back to my original topic -- Sonnenblick Serenade. Mrs. Christmas recommended two books by author Jordan Sonnenblick to me, and I have to say that they were great recommendations! Both were quick reads because I just couldn't put either down. The first I read was Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie. It is the story of Steven, a pretty typical 13-year-old who, because of the sudden, serious illness of his younger brother, needs to not only face the fears and anxieties most middle schoolers have to face, but also needs to cope with the dramatic changes in and uncertain future of his family's life. A must read for guys and girls, guaranteed to make you laugh and, if you are a sap like me, cry.

The second book by Jordan Sonnenblick is called Notes from the Midnight Driver. The main character is 16-year-old Alex, also a pretty typical guy. This pretty typical guy makes an incredibly poor decision, involving drinking and driving without a license, and the story is about how much he learns from the consequences of his actions. This story, too, is a must read for guys and girls and presents the same mix of emotions; just read what the book jacket had to say:

One car crash.

One measly little car crash. And suddenly, I'm some kind of convicted felon.

My parents are getting divorced, my dad is shacking up with my third-grade teacher, I might be in love with a girl who could kill me with one finger, and now I'm sentenced to baby-sit some insane old guy.

What else could possibly go wrong?

And as an aside, I (Ms. Slowiak) have learned that is question you never should ask! Well, back to the books for me; I have to finish Ark Angel by Anthony Horowitz and get to Harry Potter #s 4, 5, and 6.

As always, Happy Readings!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Harry Potter 7 is Almost Here!

I didn't start reading the Harry Potter series until after Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was about to be published, so I was a latecomer to the Harry Potter phenomenon (and actually, I was lucky since I really have only had to endure the long waits for Books 5, 6, and 7!). And now, with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows only a few weeks away, I am both eager to see how the series ends (Harry better not die!) and sad to know that the end is really here.

I don't have tons of predictions for the ending, although I do think Professor Snape is not truly evil, and if I had to venture a guess, I think either Hermione or Ron will be the major character that doesn't survive. Part of me hopes I am wrong; I would be quite satisfied if all of the "good guys" survive. I am pretty dorky when it comes to that; I love a happy ending!

Speaking of this book, I have not pre-ordered it yet, so I had better hop online and do that. Between now and then, I hope to reread all 6 books to date, so I am ready for the last chapter of the Harry Potter saga!

Happy readings!

If you want to check out other "rumors" and predictions as to what will happen in the 7th book, visit this blog with many questions, quizzes, ideas about everything Harry Potter.